Darren and I took Daddy to the Sharks game for his birthday. This was Darren's first hockey game and he surprised me and Tim and was an angel the whole game.
The whole first period he just sat and enjoyed the game, the second period we went to the Sharks store and got a bite to eat. Then the entire third period he danced to the songs and watched the game, he didn't try to get out of the seats once and walk around, he didn't fuss or whine or anything!. He was a perfect baby! We are excited to say he made it through an entire Sharks game, overtime was another story....he actually fell asleep on Tim's lap during overtime. I don't know if you've ever been to a Sharks game but they are loud! What a good little sports fan we are raising!
The Sharks lost 3-2 in overtime =(
gotta start them early! =]